To Alex -

To Alex...who is far away in person, but never far from my heart. I miss you. Enjoy these snippets of everyday family life here in the states.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Fond Adieu...

We leave tomorrow morning....we're going home again. We'll be taking life from this place and leaving a piece of our hearts....again. We have no idea what new adventures we will find because we simply don't plan our trip that way. The whole idea is to get there and then just be. Tomorrow evening, I will be.


  1. I loved seeing the natural sculpture that you left behind, as you could see in my last post I love to do the same : ) Your photos from your previous adventures are wonderful, it certainly looks like your family knows how to have fun! I hope you come home feeling refreshed and full of new energy!!

  2. buon viaggio!
