To Alex -

To Alex...who is far away in person, but never far from my heart. I miss you. Enjoy these snippets of everyday family life here in the states.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Darling, imagine my surprise...

as I wandered aimlessly about the pier, reading names etched into the metal and exploring the graffiti covered rails when I suddenly stumbled across these.
These have to be from no sooner than 1998. I believe that's the last time we were here with your grandmother since neither of you would go once she became too sick to go with us. I almost remember you telling me you did this. What a delightful surprise.
This one certainly doesn't look the same as he did all those years ago,
And he certainly had no thoughts of her back then. Remember the clay pit?
Some things do remain the same though. He still looks for agates,
and now she looks for them too. Did you know she fell in love with the place from the moment she first arrived 3 years ago?
I never would have let him do this when you were both younger, but I had no fears of him reaching for the waves now.
She was a little apprehensive, but the power of the waves bade her come closer. I'm sure his encouragement helped.
Simply enjoying the power and beauty of nature and her tempestuous ways, letting down their guard just for a moment...
And nature did did they...and then we went to find her some dry clothes.


  1. I love this.
    My heart is still there. I can't wait to go back.

  2. Were those names really carved by us? I have no recollection.
