To Alex -

To Alex...who is far away in person, but never far from my heart. I miss you. Enjoy these snippets of everyday family life here in the states.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A time of reflection....

that began with an early morning paddle.

And entailed some great bird watching as well. Several species of Ducks, a pair of nesting swans (we steered a wide berth), geese (the alarmists), Red-winged Blackbirds, an eagle...and Sandhill Cranes. Oh, this was cool. They're back and they're feisty and they're noisy.

Pretty cool, huh?

1 comment:

  1. absolutely stunning, lily. wow. the photos and the setting.

    hey, i can't find your email now. here is mine: italy_nicola AT yahoo DOT com

