To Alex -

To Alex...who is far away in person, but never far from my heart. I miss you. Enjoy these snippets of everyday family life here in the states.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Flying solo?

Just me, by myself, I'm good with that. I'm not particularly lonely and I don't require someone else to provide me with entertainment. I'm okay with hopping on my bike to go for a long ride, or slipping on my hiking boots to go for a little walk-about. Yeah, I'm good with that. But sometimes, sometimes I want to go for a paddle down a river and it's not very easy to do that by yourself. Something about needing to have a way to get back to your vehicle when it's 10 miles upstream makes the whole solo paddling thing a bit more challenging. So I joined a paddling group and it's working out 'swimmingly'! It's a rather loose group where they throw out the activities and you can join in, or not. No pressure. I've joined them the past few Tuesdays when they float down the Rogue River into Rockford and then we hang out in the backwaters of the dam and listen to the music from our boats. I wrote about it briefly a few days ago, but I just want you to know that it was the perfect solution to my dilemma of not having a paddling partner anymore.
I've been having such a good time with this group and meeting some fascinating people. Who knew such groups existed? I didn't, but I'm happy I found them. Oh, and I met the Mayor of Rockford the other day, really nice guy and he seemed quite pleased that we've made it a weekly event to paddle into town for the concerts. We're quite pleased they have the concerts so it all seems to work out just fine for everyone.

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