To Alex -

To Alex...who is far away in person, but never far from my heart. I miss you. Enjoy these snippets of everyday family life here in the states.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A useful tip.

I haven't seen this idea on blogland so I'm sharing it myself. By now, we all know how wonderful canning jars are for freezing so many different foods and if you're like me, you write the name of the food on the lid with a Sharpie marker because Sharpies are permanent ink, right? You might be surprised to know how easy it is to erase the marker once you've used up the food 'cause really, there's no sense in throwing away a perfectly good lid just because it has writing on it if you're only using it in the freezer. All you need is a cotton ball and some alcohol....the Sharpie wipes right off and the lid is now clean and ready for more writing. Take a look:
It's that simple. Just a couple swipes with an alcohol soaked cotton ball and the lid is free of marker.
You're welcome!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Delightful Miss M

It has been a wonderful winter so far with all the snow we've gotten and yesterday was a glorious day, full of sunshine and blue skies. We joined a girlfriend at the golf course and had ourselves a little bit of wintry fun. Miss M loved it. I sort of knew she would.
You know what? Snowshoeing can be hard work and you can work up a good sweat. I like outdoor activities that seem like more fun than they do a work out, no matter how hard they are.
 Hehe...she kept flipping snow up her back when she walked.
No, that's not a wipe out. That's how you take a break and cool off when you've been traipsing all over the golf course, up and down the hills.
This, however, is a wipe out. You do have to walk a little different and if you catch the toe of one snowshoe under the heel of the other, you fall....with a splat. As a matter of fact, we went out again this morning and I fell in the exact same way.
She makes it look fun doesn't she?

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Interesting. There was so much moisture in the air on Tuesday that the windows were dripping with water. This morning, I awoke to at least an additional foot of snow that came down overnight. I just finished shoveling and it's still coming down. Oh my, should be a wonderful hike in the woods tonight.
I do love a good snowfall and I don't mind shoveling either.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I've been playing a bit.

Once again, the paints are out and I'm dabbling, not too much, but a little. I'm so not good at this watercolor business, but I keep trying.
I totally copied a picture I found on Etsy. Yes, I did. I printed it, traced it and then painted it. I didn't do it to sell. I did it for the practice. Is that wrong? I would like to post it here, but oh, if it were my work that were copied like that, I don't think I would be very happy at all to see it posted online so I'm just telling you. And it turned out way cool.

After all that fog on Tuesday, we've now gotten hammered with the snow. I'm loving it and I've got a nighttime hike planned for the weekend....I should probably bring my snowshoes along too.